Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tip #6: Use Fewer Links

This secret revolves around mathematical probability and common sense. If you
have 25 links to other webpages on your page, and only 5 of those links are
AdSense ads that pay you, chances are pretty good that you visitors will click on
the links that do not pay you.
Having too many links that do not pay is even more damaging to your CTR than
having too much content on the page.
Placing your AdSense ads at the top will help some, but you are still going to lose
a lot of traffic by giving your visitors the option to click away via a link that doesn't
So how can you deal with this challenge?
1) You can put the non profitable links at the bottom of the page
2) Each link should open in a new browser using the html target="_blank"

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